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Read all your newspapers and news sites online France in one application.You will find newspapers from around the world.Hot Topics will bring news presented by list. Search Trends lists the most searched keywords in France.newspapers:Le Monde, Le Figaro, 20 Minutes, The Team, LaDépêche, Yahoo! News,, Le Nouvel Observateur, The Express, The Point, The Dauphiné Libéré, Linternaute, Europe 1, France Info, Atlantico, The Voice of the North, Release, infos FranceTV, Eurosport, France24, The Parisian, MYTF1, JDN, The New Republic, ZDNet, The Echoes, The Huffington Post, Goal, Progress, West France, PurePeople, Cross, Humanity, The Tribune, Most, Southwest, Challenges, Science and Future, International Mail, Slate, Charente Libre, The public good, The Gorafi, How it works, 01net, Boulevard Voltaire, Free Lunch, Rue89, MetroNews, Clubic, Mediapart, RFI, Nice Morning, News Paris match, Agoravox TV, The East Republican, Directmatin , The Telegram, François Desouche, France Evening, The Independent, GAMERGEN, The Journal of Saone and Loire, Blog Jean Marc Morandini, PlanetCharacteristics:• List of newspapers in France• Add more newspapers from all over the world• Multi languages• Automatic download• Update the logs• update categories• rearrange newspapers• rearrange categories• As an article then read later• research article• Share the article• Unwind to refresh• Clear the cache, erase downloaded images• Change the text size• Save bandwidth by blocking images• Remove all annoying ads!Categories:•Last news•World•Policy•Business•Finance•Economy•Technology•Sports•Science•Health•Entertainment•Trip•Opinion•Way of life....